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Every story you have ever read, watched, or told, is real. The Multiverse connects us, and now it is more connected than ever - for better or for worse. Join Pel Ironleaf, an archer Elf from a vaguely familiar fantasy world on their quest to defeat the darkest evil of all reality. Along the way, unlikely friends from across the Multiverse band together to explore and catalogue the vast Nova-Storm, a strange universe that fills the gaps Between all Worlds...



PEL IRONLEAF, half-elf, elderia

Pel was an archer about to begin a cliché quest to destroy an evil ring, but before they could even begin, they were abducted from their fantastical universe and thrown into a technologically advanced alien world. Now, Pel must find their way home, but also, having now learned of the Multiverse, they aim to discover the source of all evil, and save countless realities.


Keenan Quantum, Human, earth-169

Keenan, a self proclaimed idiot, has discovered the secret to interdimensional travel. Using this technology, he now finds himself on a journey to make any story that he is a part of a happy one. Keenan knows when his story is being told, he can sense an unseen audience, and thanks to the Void Jumpers, he's finally become part of a story larger than himself.



Within her shell Cora runs an advanced laboratory. For years Cora has worked her way up through the slums of Latalus, fighting to earn the respect of her peers, as she pioneered the field of voidphysics, hoping to one day discover evidence for the Multiverse. Without Cora, the Void Jumpers would not exist. If she's lucky enough, she seeks to scrounge up the funds necessary to one day take to the storm and explore the Multiverse.


Mr. Johnson, Human, earth-220

Mr. Johnson is a completely normal human person from a completely normal Earth-based reality. Yet, somehow, he has become the Chosen One, protector of the Infinity Raccoon, wielder of one of the five Sarran Swords, and a founding member of the Multiverse-Traveling Void Jumpers. He has a family and a job and he really doesn't want to be stuck in a 'Star Wars' rip-off universe, and yet... here he is.


Sytron, Siren, merrina

All that remains of what was once a fish-like body is Sytron's gooey amorphous brain. Sytron's history is one ravaged by Harvesters - Multiversal pests that she has been studying ever since her oceanic world was destroyed by them. The Multiverse is more well known than the Void Jumpers thought. Hopefully Sytron can aid the Void Jumpers in their quest and shed some light on the mysterious Harvesters.


Maytrousse, Beazont, lorason

After experiencing a lethal amount of radiation while working on a shipyard in his world, Maytrousse reaches out to the Void Jumpers. He doesn't have much longer to live - and this veteran ship builder decided that he wanted to make the most of what remains of his life. Driven by the joy of ship building, Maytrousse wants to work for a cause he believes in.


Princess Calathorn, Human, marmia

Princess Calathorn hails from a world ravaged by Harvesters. She escaped her world through a magic cabinet, sending her deep into a wasp-infested jungle. Joining the Void Jumpers assured her escape from the jungle, and the start of her revenge against the Harvesters who destroyed her kingdom.


owag, burrowing owl, earth-189

Owl 37, or Owag (short for Owl With a Gun) is a cybernetically modified burrowing owl. One of his wings was replaced with a six-shooter revolver, melded with his flesh. Owag carries a reputation in his wild west town, being one of the only surviving animals to have successfully killed a Harvester. 


Steven, human, overworld

Steven was the only person alive in his world. Having lived alone for all his life, it was strange to Steven that his world had books. Within a book, Steven discovered the Void Jumpers. With his expertise in magic and technology, and his pockets impossibly full of building materials, Steven has become an integral member of the Void Jumpers.


Doctor k., calico cat, felinia

After studying the myths of the ancient Lamnagrada, Doctor K. and her colleagues discover that the myths are true. More and more starts to point to the idea that every story ever told is real, that every myth exists in reality somewhere out in the Multiverse. This research leads Doctor K. directly to the Void Jumpers.


Soap, bubble, the four islands

Soap is a heroic bubble hailing from a small world containing only four islands. Despite his seemingly frail stature, he carries a reputation as a protector, slayer of the Castle Dragon, and as a childhood hero. 


Alexander ironleaf, human, elderia

Respected Blacksmith of Resno, Alexander Ironleaf has made himself known in the lands of Elderia. His marriage to Licia Ironleaf is one many people still can't quite wrap their heads around.


Licia Ironleaf, Elf, elderia

Former Elven Sentry for the Resno Guard, Lady Ironleaf was once named simply Licia Mayleaf, before she married Alexander Ironsmith. Licia stepped down from her position as Elven Sentry due to an incident involving her young spring, Pel.


VOIDBORN, ???, ???

A mysterious being entangled with the stories of many Void Jumpers. Inner conflict tears Voidborn apart as two halves are pulled between dark and light.



Captain of the Tempest Blight, this Dimension Pirate has been a ruthless force in the Nova-Storm for longer than his kind can even remember. He has butted heads with the likes of the Paradox Master, and bumped shoulders with all kinds of Multiverse travelers.


EXIT, Rift Swarmer & JERRY, Dimension Beetle, 5th dimension

These small creatures, a Rift Swarmer and Dimension Beetle, hailing from the 5th Dimension, claim to be OG Void Jumpers. They're experts at tech manipulation and also they're best friends. :)


gigabyte, lamnagrada, nova-storm

Lamnagrada, otherwise called Shardigrades, or Tarks, are the apex predators of the Nova-Storm. Gigabyte, however, is just a baby. Experimented on by Harvesters, and stolen from the world of cats, this little creature has found himself entangled with the plot of the Void Jumpers.


The infinity raccoon, ???, ???

She's the Infinity Raccoon. What do you want me to tell you? Isn't it obvious?


nolo, nolo-prime

The Nolo are an advanced group of humanoid aliens hailing from Nolo-Prime, a doomed planet on the edge of a dying universe - constantly bombarded by Dimension Pirates.


King Omega Nolo, Nolo, Nolo-Prime

King of all of Nolo-Prime, born into royalty - expert of ancient prophecy. King Omega Nolo is dead-set on leading his people to safety, and escaping his dying planet.


skwalien, nolo-prime

Royal steeds of Nolo-Prime, Skwaliens have been beasts of burden on Nolo-Prime since the dawn of Nolo civilization. Their screeches can cause instant headaches, and they can reach impressive speeds - up to 70 miles per hour.


amber velo, human, earth-169

Former Mayor of Velo City (Once San Francisco) during the Exquisite Quanum Showdown - Velo is now a wanted war criminal. Luckily, she's befriended Keenan and Daquan Quantum, and is safe in their laboratory home.


rando, grizzly bear, earth-168

Rando is a detective, and one half of the dynamic duo, Rando & Corner. Multiple universes tell stories about this duo, and somehow, the duo has been split, and Rando has found himself entangled with the plot of the Void Jumpers.


Joe wizard, human, the nine islands

Before the events of the Joe Wizard's Traveling Castle books, this younger and less experienced Joe Wizard has found himself entangled with the Void Jumpers due to his connection with an ancient cosmic entity. 


The Paradox Master, HUMAN, TBU-###

An otherworldly Emissary among the Thrones of Time, the Paradox Master arrives to enact his Extraversal Duty - and nothing more. The Void Jumpers are an annoyance, and a danger to the health of the Nova-Storm, and so the Paradox Master must stop them. This job will be easy, as the Paradox Master is one of the most powerful time travelers in all of the Multiverse.

Betrayal has shattered the Void Jumpers. Legends speak of a powerful being called Kagloss the Aberrant, and the Harvesters and Void Jumpers are on the hunt. It's a race to research as the team pieces themselves back together, fighting pirates and gods along the way. Ominous warnings loom. They must ensure that Kagloss is never released, or else their fates will be decided by Wings of Chaos...


Welcome to the Void jumpers

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